Stay Healthy and Hydrated This Summer
Espanol Hello! Can you believe we are halfway through 2021?! We are now approaching what is usually known as the hottest month of the year! We want to take the time to remind you it is very important to always stay hydrated especially in the warmer months. 6 tips for staying hydrated Both doctors agree, […]
Work with the Best Staffing Agency in the Indianapolis area
Summer is almost here and just like the weather our jobs are hot! Are you looking to work with the best staffing agency in Indianapolis? We’re looking for you! When you work with Forge, there’s no shortage of job opportunities. We have many entry level – no experience necessary and skilled jobs available on 1st, […]
How Much Screen Time Is Too Much?
Espanol Hello! During the month of June, we want to focus on the Effects of Screen Time and Your Eyes. Is Screen Time Really Bad for Our Eyes? You may not endure a lot of screen time while on the job but do you take in a lot after hours? Effects of Too Much Screen Time Spending […]
¿Cuánto tiempo de pantalla es demasiado?
¡Hola! Durante el mes de Junio, queremos enfocarnos en los efectos del tiempo frente de la pantalla y tus ojos. ¿ Realmente es malo para nuestros ojos el tiempo frente de la pantalla? Tal vez no pasa mucho tiempo frente de la pantalla en el trabajo, pero pasas mucho tiempo fuera del trabajo? Efectos de […]
Machine Operator Positions Available
We are currently seeking to fill multiple Machine Operator positions with our client companies located throughout Indiana and Michigan. When searching our jobs on our website, you may find that Machine Operator positions may also be titled, Assembler, Production, Manufacturing Associate, etc. Looking for more skilled work? Sometimes our Forklift Operator and Hi-Lo Driver positions […]
6 consejos para mejorar su postura y su salud en general en el trabajo
¡Hola! Durante el mes de Mayo queremos enforcarnos en la postura en el lugar de trabajo. Muchas personas permanecen de pie durante un mínimo de 8 horas durante su turno. Aquí hay 6 consejos para mejorar su postura y su salud general en el trabajo. Cambie de posición durante el día. Si le dan descansos […]
6 Tips to Better Your Posture and Overall Health at Work
Espanol Hello! During the month of May, we want to focus on posture in the workplace. Many people stand for a minimum of 8 hours during their shift. Here are 6 tips to better your posture and overall health at work. Change positions throughout the day. If you are given breaks during the day use […]
Employee Skills Required to be a Food Packager
We are currently seeking to fill multiple Food Packager openings with our client companies located throughout Indiana and Michigan. When searching our jobs on our website, you may find that Food Packager positions may also be titled, Packager, Packer and Material Handler. Food Packager positions can also be offered on 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. […]
La importancia de los protectores de máquinas
¡Hola! Solo un recordatorio amistoso sobre la seguridad de las máquinas. Las máquinas pueden ayudar a mejorar la eficiencia de la producción en el lugar de trabajo. Sin embargo, las partes móviles de las máquinas, bordes afilados y superficies calientes también pueden causar lesiones graves en el lugar de trabajo, como dedos o manos aplastados, […]
The Importance of Machine Guards
Espanol Hello! Just a friendly reminder about Machine Safety. Machines can help improve production efficiency in the workplace. However, their moving parts, sharp edges, and hot surfaces can also cause serious workplace injuries such as crushed fingers or hands, amputations, burns, or blindness. Safeguards are essential to protect workers from injury. Any machine part, function, or […]