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Ask About Workplace Safety During Your Interview

You’re on your way to a job interview. While you’re excited about a potential job, you need to prepare yourself. Remember that your potential employer is not the only one who will ask interview questions. You should have a list of your own questions. One of the concerns that should be at the top of […]

Ask about Footwear when Starting a New Job

 Think ahead before you actually walking into a job interview and consider things that are important to you. One point of interest that is often overlooked is proper footwear. Ask your employer what you should be wearing on your feet when you begin the job. You’d be surprised how much your shoes matter. Your Footwear […]

Certifications Valuable When Seeking a New Job

As you begin your job search, you need to prepare yourself in order to have a positive outcome. The most important thing that you can do is to put your best foot forward. You’ve already gone through training, you have experience, your head is filled with knowledge pertaining to your field, and you are enthusiastic. […]

Why is OSHA Important?

A job interview can be intimidating as you imagine all of the interview questions that could be coming your way. Preparing yourself is key in order to relieve nerves and present a confident manner while you speak with your potential employer. One of the points that should come at the top of your list is OSHA and the workplace…

Qualities that make you the best candidate for a job

First and foremost, you will be asked this question: do you have experience? An employer can only be convinced if you volunteered or worked for a similar company.  Apart from experience, here are traits/qualities that employers are looking for in candidates: Flexibility: Can you adapt easily and quickly? How well do you react to changes? […]

5 Ways to Make A Good Impression

A job interview is not just the employer’s way of assessing your skills, but also a way of getting to know your personality and character. The skills you have are not the only aspects of you that determine whether or not you are a good fit for a job. Therefore, it is important to make […]

4 Misconceptions about Temporary Employment

Whether you have gone through a staffing agency to find employment or not, you may harbor some misconceptions about it. You may think, for example, that a stint at a staffing agency makes you look less employable later on in your career. This and other misconceptions lead a lot of people to not pursue temporary […]

How to Talk About Weaknesses During an Interview

Answering job interview questions well is an art that requires practice, and there is a lot to keep in mind for your next job interview. One question you will surely be asked is “What are some of your weaknesses?” This question is one that potential employers will use to determine whether you are a good […]

Mistakes to avoid while finding a job

Finding a job can be a tiring process. If your search is dragging on and you see no end in sight, review your job search efforts and make sure you’re not making any of these common job search mistakes. Proofread your resume and cover letter multiple times. Time and again, job seekers send hiring managers […]

How to do a job interview screening

When you’re looking for a new job, it’s important to always put your best foot forward and bring your “A-game.” Whether it’s through a phone interview, videoconference, or background check, most employers screen potential candidates. This helps employers determine whether it’s worth sending an individual to the next round of interviews. A job interview screening […]