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3 Excuses every job hunter needs to forget

November 28, 2014

For job hunters that have been seeking employment for an extended period of time, it can be easy to slip into bad habits and a negative mindset. Too much time spent hearing horror stories from other job hunters can only hamper your progress. Eventually, you may find yourself making up, or even believing excuses for why you’re struggling to find work.

Stop this immediately. Unemployment can be a difficult time, but showing that you are able to persevere will only make you a stronger candidate when you find employment.

Here are 3 commonly heard excuses that every job hunter needs to forget.

1) Nobody is even seeing my resume.

A lot has changed in the job application and hiring process. Technology has allowed human resources departments to find qualified candidates more efficiently. Instead of just sending your resume into the abyss, find new ways to put yourself out there. Create an online profile on the networking website LinkedIn. According to a Jobvite survey in 2012, 93 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates. Rather than using excuses for why employers aren’t finding you, make yourself more visible to them.

2) I can’t afford a pay decrease or a step backward.

Many job seekers are looking for their next perfect fit or “dream job.” Timing is important while you are unemployed. Typically, it is more difficult for job seekers to find work the longer they’ve been unemployed. Instead of holding out for what you believe to be the perfect job, find a relevant position that can be leveraged into a better fit down the road. Seek opportunities to improve other skills that will make you more desirable for the position you ultimately want to have.

If your previous position was eliminated, it may be that companies are looking to cut costs in that area and that that pay scale may no longer exist. Identify ways to trim your budget and what you need to make to cover your essential expenses.

3) The economy.

This is perhaps the easiest out. Anyone who has spent any time online searching for jobs will see there are thousands and thousands of available positions. What many may not realize is that the landscape may have changed. Since 2008, companies have tightened their belts, found more efficient ways to cut costs and with the economy improving, those that successfully made it through the hard times are looking to hire again. Identify your skills and how they can be applied to these new positions and perhaps new industries.

Remember, if you were a leader, manager or well-respected employee at your previous company, it’s likely because you had passion, drive and a willingness to help the company succeed. Those traits are key to the success of any job seeker and are what will continue to make you a desirable candidate and a successful employee.

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