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How to Increase Employee Satisfaction

May 27, 2016

Employers should always be trying to keep their employees happy. Every dissatisfied employee represents lost productivity while they remain and disruption of production schedules if they leave. Even if the local job market is tight, your best employees are desirable catches for other employers.

There’s no magical solution that works for employee and company, but by following these tips you’ll make a huge difference in employee satisfaction.

Show Your Appreciation

When an employee does a good job, let them know you noticed. This doesn’t mean necessarily mean public praise and handing out restaurant gift cards. Some experts believe that “Employee of the Month” awards do more harm than good, because they can cause dissatisfaction among other good employees who are not recognized. No question, financial recognition is sometimes in order, but a sincere expression of praise and appreciation whenever it’s deserved can go further than cash awards or ostentatious gestures.

Make Meetings Two-Way

Staff meetings should be for staff as much as for management. If you’re using them to just give direction, you’re doing it wrong. Take time to inform your employees what’s happening in the company and how it may affect them. In addition to giving information, use meetings to collect it. Solicit input, comments, feedback, suggestions – and criticisms, complaints and problems. Be honest and open, and assure those who have negative input that it’s being accepted for a positive purpose. Of course you’re not promising to take action on every complaint or suggestion, but you do have to promise – sincerely – to consider the issues without prejudice or retribution. If the manager who normally chairs the meetings can’t establish that level of trusting participation with employees, another manager should chair the meeting.

Make it Possible to Do Good Work

Many complaints center on the difficulty of doing the job well. People actually want to do good work, but they can’t if they’re struggling with poor tools, inadequate direction, or disruptive task scheduling. Satisfying your employees’ needs in this respect will result in improved product or service quality and enhanced productivity, and that should boost your bottom line directly.

Get Rid of Bad Fits

If you’re doing your best to create satisfied employees and one of them remains seriously disgruntled, it may be best for both parties’ if you let him or her go – even if he/she is individually productive. Employees who are consistently disruptive or uncooperative, disturbing to their co-workers, or constantly complaining can depress the enthusiasm and eagerness of the other employees.

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